Thursday, May 13, 2010

Psychiatry is fake science: the “Thud” experiment proof « CCHR International

Psychiatry is fake science: the “Thud” experiment proof « CCHR International

As a recovering victim of psychiatric "Natzi" MALEpractice (malicious malpractice), I am now participating in the
anti-Psychiatry Movement to expose the terrifying Natzi origins of the "psychiatric" brainwashing and mind control,
mind altering electro-convulsive "Shock" "treatment", i.e. torture of the naively gullible American family, nation,
Society and child/adult "self"/"selves".

I have come to believe that the pseudo-science of the "Psychiatric" "profession" is a terrifying deadly Trojan Horse
within American Society that is deceptive, massively divisive of the human "family" enmasse, internationally and

For more information, see the videos and view the research of the Citizens Commission on Human Rights International
citizens investigating the international psychiatric violation of human rights, from the womb to the tomb, from
the cradle to the grave, so all pervasive is the "metasizing" dehumanization of all womankind, mankind, humankind
by the unbelievably horrific international and intergenerational Hoaxes of the pseudo science that calls itself
Psychiatry, the Psychiatric "profession", industry, psychopolitics of mass human brainwashing, mind control and
manufactured MADness . . . in the MIND of Humankind and, most devastatingly, in humanity's billions of "psychiatrically"
mind altered and mind controlled innocent children, worldwide, internationally and intergenerationally, the youngest
victims and "victim blamed" sufferers of manmade, manufactured mass human stark raving MADness, the "side effects"
of the Natiziization and Psychiatryization of the whole human species, collective, local/global family, "village" by
the Masters of Deceit, "Stealth", and unhumane . . . . . loss and lack of human empathy, compassion, conscience and
affinity, human bonding and fearlessly courageous human Love for one another.

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