Thursday, May 13, 2010

FOX News Special Report « CCHR International

FOX News Special Report « CCHR International

The Terrifying Psychiatric Hijacking of America's Children, Youth and Family's Exposed in a Fox News Broadcast.
Thank you Dr. Peter Breggin, America's formost expert on the desparate need for national Psychiatric Reform and
compassionate alternatives to the use of Psychiatric Mind altering, Mind Control to control the "behavior" and
childhood and youth "anxiety" of our children and youth who are being used as human "guinea pigs" by Big Pharmacautical
Corporate profiteering, American WAR profiteering/racketeering and the dumbing down and stupification of the American
family, children, youth, parents, grandparents, intergenerationally . . . . all being psychiatric drug addicted and
all becoming more violent in each succeeding generation.

YOU have been warned.

Educate yourself. Ignorance is NOT bliss. It is simply Ignorance.
Stupidity is NOT recommended if you intend to survive the global/local
psycho-politics of the ATTACK on the MIND of womankind, mankind, humankind
for total and absolute MIND control of every man, woman, child and beast
on Earth.

WHO and under what "influence" wrote these terrifying words in the King James
"Family" Bible . . . . . KILL . . . . EVERY man, woman, child and beast and
leave NOTHING . . . Alive . . . for I, thy (self-proclaimed) . . GOD am a
jealous GOD . . . . vengeance is mine . . . . . . etc., ad naseum, ad . .
Infinatum . . . .

WHO is mass killing NOW, in our lifetime . . . EVERY . . . . man, woman, child
and beast . . . . and HOW and WHY?

Wake yourself UP. WHO is the entity called "the Father of Lies" who would . . .
"deceive many" . . . . . causing "nation to rise against nation" and "a man's
enemies to be those in his own . . . . household" . . . . did MAN create
a GOD . . . . in man's own "image and likeness" . . . jealous, vengeanceful,
wrathful, misogenystic (woman hating), misandrynistic (man hating), misanthnistic
(humanity hating)?

Were the "characters" in the Bible created by human hallucinations and drug induced
mind altering psychotropic plant enthenogens?

Is "torture cross crucifixion religion" and religious fanatacism, "fundamentalism"
extremism . . . . mind altering "drug" induced by this planet's . . . hallucinogenic
plant enthenogens???????? Are we all stark raving MAD . . . lunatics in a cosmic
lunatic asylum?

MINDfood for Thought . . to the mentally deranged, estranged and braindead walking
zombified brain fried chemically lobotymized . . . . . "masses" of the human herd, hive,
species, collective . . . . . unconsciousness.

WHO knows?

Why did Socrates admonish . . . "MAN . . . . KNOW . . . Thyself" before drinking the poisoned
"kool aid".

Stop drinking the psycho-political, religiously poisoned toxic "Kool-Aid" of the euphemistic
Orwellian Dystopian . . . . . Necropolis . . . . the "civilization" of the walking, waking DEADHEADS,
we have collectively . . . . BEcome. Yes? No? Maybe? What is sanity and INsanity, and who is
deciding who and what sanity and INsanity IS, if not all of US . . . humankind, enmasse, our own
worst enemies and most willing . . . . . child . . . . abusers INsideout and outsideIN, the inner
CHILD . . . . . is US, regardless of our "presumed" "age", color, size, shape, personality and
temperament "type", "archetype", "sterotype" . . . . . . TypOlogy.

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