Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The New Totalitarinism

Have a Look, Humanity at the whole planetary picture of the closing of the
NET of the New Totalitarinism of the Global Fascist Police State across the Globe,
across the world and across the world wide web of vital information, profound
knowledge and necessary wisdom for resisting the "final solution" to any and all
human resistance to the New World Order of Totalitarian Militarinism, Violence
used against the whole population of Earth, enmasse, by the predatory elite who
have monopoly control over the mass media "propaganda" machine and the global
WAR machine fueled on human blood, energy and vital life "essence" for the continuation
of the unrestrained Reign of Totalitarian Terrorization, Torture and Brutalization
of the whole planetary population, from prenatal infants to the aging "elders",
from "cradle to grave", from "womb to tomb" totally brainwashed, mind controlled
"obedient" unto DEATH . . . . passive drugged, mind poisoned/polluted "sheeple"
being led to the slaughterhouses by their "Shepherds" of DEATH, Necrophelia, Thanatos,
Extinction of "species" through planned American-Natzi "Eugenics"/ "Eugenics" . . . .
the "creation" through "genetic engineering" of the genetically engineered . . .
"Master Race" of "designer babies" and their "Master Race" . . . . totalitarian
dehumanized . . . . "parents" whose only interest in the "masses" is harvesting
their DNA for more "laboratory" "eugenics"/euthenasia experiments with the "science"
of transforming living beings into dead corpses, "cadavers" and "laboratory"
Frankenstein . . . . type "experiments" in creating the ultimate Necropolis of the
dehumanized . . . . . braindead . . . . robosapiens/ ZombieSapiens, the walking
genetically "engineered" cyborgs, part "human DNA, part plant DNA, part mineral/
metalic DNA, part . . . reptilian, and part . . . . "exterrestrial" . . . DNA
synchronized, simbiotically fused into the new "hybrid" entity with NO rememnant
of previously "human" "conscience", compassion, affinity, love, kinship, and NO
"will" to resist the Masters of the Immaculate Deception, the Treacherous Betrayal
of womankind, mankind, humankind, enmasse, over millenia of the "frog in the cooking
pot" type of the "inevitability of gradualness" and undetected deceptive intention.

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