Saturday, December 12, 2009

The Now Reinvention of 20th Century Feminism

MUST READ for understanding what on Earth is Happening to the NOW Generation's
public domain NEW Earth NEW Age NEW "divine feminEssence" feMancipation proclaimation
woManifesto Re-enchanting the whole female SEX's public Image and "private parts"!

Multi-colored, Multi-cultured, Multi-individualistic "joyfully trancendental"
UNhistorical, UNAmerican, UNcategorical, organically luminiously auspicious
joyfully "juicy" . . . . maturing "quintessence" NOW "dawning" in the Cosmogenesis
of all our lives . . . . . . deep innermost "birth pangs" of the "labor of Love"
that NEWWAVE . . . . . . vivaciously "victorious" . . . . . "feminEssence" ,
in other words glorious GoddessEssence . . . naked, veiled, unveiled and adorned
in HER OWN . . . . UNhistorical . .UNprecented . . . NEW feminine . . Mystique,
Viva La Vulva, Viva La Tantra Yoni Puja Party Avatars of HERstory that is OURstory

Behold, I show you a Mystery! We shall NOT all DIE!
Behold, I wombMan show unto you a Mystery revealed IN and AS . . . .
The GREAT ALL I AM, "as withIN, so withOUT, as above, so below" . . .
the magnificient MICROMACROCOSM of the holographic Universal hue(colored)
wombManifestation . . . . . . of the Great Tao of the ancient and forever
ageless, timeless . . . . momentously multi-dimensional NOW!

NOW is our stargate portal to the rapture of the Infinite!
The "pineal gland is our Stargate . .. . portal to the celestrial "heavenly
bodies" of our . . . . . . "heavenly" . . . . 'OM, sweet 'OM! We are all 'OM,
AUMIN . . . . . moving ever closer to our ultimate universal ENTER MISSION . . .
entering the STARgates of the Mysterious UNknown limitless spaciousness that
is Beyond Belief and Beyond our "mortal understanding" of our "immortal"
unconditional . . . . . luminious "divine LoveStory", our "many splendored"
luminious LoveEssence "on fire" with our "divine desire" . . . . to merge into
wholeness, allness, nowness, isness . . . . . . in a transcendental Cosmogenesis
beyond our cataclysmic catastrophobia and collective spiritual . . . Amnesia!

There is a NEW "Annunciation" in the elemental "powers that BE" and WE must
rediscover the power of the sacred inner "golden silence" if there is to be
a sustainable future worth living and consciously co-creating in joyfully
UNhistorical . . UNprecented . . . UNISON, that WE "alone", "all-one" now All
Together ARE!

How GREAT WE ARE . . . . . the Rising of the Mythical, Magical PhoeniX . . . Generation . . . X, rising from the ashes of our own Egoic-Self Destructive
Cataclysmic Catastraphobia . . . . . . Syndrome!

It's NOT some imagined "original" "SIN" we need to "save our souls" . . . from!
It is our personal, individual and collective whole species . . . deep internal
Catastrophobia SYNdrome! And we can thank our Cosmic Sisters the "luminiously"
visionary futurist Barbara Hand Clow and Barbara Marx Hubbard for their
synchronistic . . . . Avataristic . . . . courageously bold cosmopsychic . . .. .
voyeuristic . . . . voyaging in deep . . . . . space and deep "time travel"
into "Mayan . . . . time . . . travel, opening the inner "pineal" . . Stargates
for all our "INlightened . . . . . "future NOW" . . progeny, posterity, heirs
and "followers" . .. of the mysterious "organic Light" phenomenon of the
cosmic "photon", the Alchemy of the inner "fire", "divine spark" and eternal
"flame" . .. that is lighting our way "OM" . . . . all the way . . .h'OM . . to
our "eternal resting place" . . . . in which we will forever "rest in peace",
"peace of mind", the timeless, ageless spiritual peace that "passes all . ..
understanding" and is always and forever in the "heart of the matter"!

and . . . . Beyond!

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