Saturday, July 25, 2009

Male Erotic Genital Massage Benefits

It is important to understand the importance of male genital massage in the
Art of Tantra, the integration of sacred sexuality and spirituality and the internal
male/female, masculine/femining energies and entities in the whole creation and
all that is in existence.

The tantric definition of the male erotic massage is the linga of vajra massage.
Linga and Vajra in the ancient sanskrit language of tantra means "firewand" or
"lightwand". Picture it as the "light wand" that Yoda taught Luke Skywalker use
against the dark masculing entity of Darth Vadar. Yoda promised Luke, "the force
is with you". A more accurate interpretation is "the force is within you", as in
the "Kingdom of Heaven, God, is withIN you". . . . . not in an external Kingdom,
Priesthood, Brotherhood, Male Godhead. (represented by the character Darth Vadar
the wounded Father of the Empire that "strikes back".

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